Mutual Funds: Advantages and Disadvantages (2024)

Mutual funds are one of the most popular investment vehicles for many investors. They come with many advantages, such as advanced portfolio management, risk reduction, and dividend reinvestment; however, there are many disadvantages to consider as well, such as high expense ratios and sales charges, tax inefficiencies, and possible management abuses. Before investing in one, read on to learn more details about the advantages and disadvantages of investing in mutual funds.

Key Takeaways

  • Mutual funds are a popular investment choice in the U.S., allowing for investors to pool capital into a professionally managed investment vehicle.
  • Investors have to pay fees for investing in mutual funds, which cover the costs of the fund doing business and the salaries of the professionals managing it.
  • Mutual funds come with many advantages, such as advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing.
  • Disadvantages include high fees, tax inefficiency, poor trade execution, and the potential for management abuses.

Mutual Funds: An Overview

Mutual funds pool together investments from shareholders to invest in securities, such as stocks, bonds, and other assets. There are a variety of funds covering different industries and different asset classes and they are managed by professional portfolio managers who seek to achieve capital gains for the fund's investors. Investors are charged various fees for the services that mutual funds provide.

When an investor invests in a mutual fund, they are seeking exposure to a variety of assets, do not have voting rights, and may be subject to certain rules, requirements, and certainly fees. Most mutual funds are managed and offered by large investment management companies, such as Vanguard and Fidelity.

Some of the advantages of mutual funds include advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing, while disadvantages include high expense ratios and sales charges, management abuses, tax inefficiency, and poor trade execution.

Advantages of Mutual Funds

There are many reasons why investors choose to invest in mutual funds with such frequency. Let's break down the details of a few.

Advanced Portfolio Management

When you buy a mutual fund, you pay a management fee as part of your expense ratio, which is used to hire a professional portfolio manager who buys and sells stocks, bonds, etc. This is a relatively small price to pay for getting professional help in the management of an investment portfolio.

Dividend Reinvestment

As dividends and other interest income sources are declared for the fund, they can be used to purchase additional shares in the mutual fund, therefore helping your investment grow.

Risk Reduction (Safety)

Reduced portfolio risk is achieved through the use of diversification, as most mutual funds will invest in anywhere from 50 to 200 different securities—depending on the focus. Numerous stock index mutual funds own 1,000 or more individual stock positions.

Convenience and Fair Pricing

Mutual funds are easy to buy and easy to understand. They typically have low minimum investments and they are traded only once per day at the closing net asset value (NAV). This eliminates price fluctuation throughout the day and various arbitrage opportunities that day traders practice.

As with any type of investment, the specifics of your budget, timeline, and profit goals will dictate what the best mutual fund options are for you.

Disadvantages of Mutual Funds

However, there are also disadvantages to being an investor in mutual funds. Here's a more detailed look at some of those concerns.

High Expense Ratios and Sales Charges

If you're not paying attention to mutual fund expense ratios and sales charges, they can get out of hand. Be very cautious when investing in funds with expense ratios higher than 1.50%, as they are considered to be on the higher cost end. Be wary of 12b-1 advertising fees and sales charges in general. There are several good fund companies out there that have no sales charges. Fees reduce overall investment returns.

Though similar to mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a different type of investment vehicle, which are traded like stocks and generally come with lower costs and are easier to invest in.

Management Abuses

Churning, turnover, and window dressing may happen if your manager is abusing their authority. This includes unnecessary trading, excessive replacement, and selling the losers prior to quarter-end to fix the books.

Tax Inefficiency

Like it or not, investors do not have a choice when it comes to capital gains payouts in mutual funds. Due to the turnover, redemptions, gains, and losses in security holdings throughout the year, investors typically receive distributions from the fund that are an uncontrollable tax event.

Poor Trade Execution

If you place your mutual fund trade anytime before the cut-off time for same-day NAV, you'll receive the same closing price NAV for your buy or sell on the mutual fund. For investors looking for faster execution times, maybe because of short investment horizons, day trading, or timing the market, mutual funds provide a weak execution strategy.


  • Advanced portfolio management

  • Dividend reinvestment

  • Risk reduction

  • Convenience and fair pricing


  • High expense ratios and sales charges

  • Management abuses

  • Tax inefficiencies

  • Poor trade execution

What Are the Risks of Mutual Funds?

No investment is risk-free and while mutual funds are generally low-risk because they invest in low-risk securities, they are not completely risk-free. The securities held in a mutual fund may lose value either due to market conditions or to the performance of a specific security, such as the stock of a company if the company performs poorly. Other risks could be difficult to predict, such as risks from the management team or a change in policy regarding dividends and fees.

What Are Certain Advantages of Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds have plenty of advantages, including diversification, professional management, low costs, and convenience.

Are Mutual Funds Better Than Stocks?

Determining what is a better investment depends solely on the specific investor, their investment objectives, and their risk tolerance. Mutual funds allow for ease of access to a wide array of investments/companies, which increases diversification. They also carry lower risk because of that fact as opposed to investing in just a few stocks.

The Bottom Line

Mutual funds are a great way for investors to gain exposure to a wide variety of assets without having to specifically purchase investment securities one by one. They also allow an investor to leave the investment decisions up to a professional. While they can be a great and safe investment, they do not come without their flaws and issues.

Before investing, make sure to take your time researching the right mutual fund for you, being aware of the types of investments, risks, and costs associated with each particular fund you are considering and how they fit into your investment objectives.

Mutual Funds: Advantages and Disadvantages (2024)


Mutual Funds: Advantages and Disadvantages? ›

Mutual funds come with many advantages, such as advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing. Disadvantages include high fees, tax inefficiency, poor trade execution, and the potential for management abuses.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds? ›

The advantages of mutual funds are portfolio diversification, liquidity, flexibility, and are regulated by SEBI. The disadvantages are over-diversification and no guaranteed returns.

What is the main advantage of mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds offer diversification or access to a wider variety of investments than an individual investor could afford to buy. There are economies of scale in investing with a group. Monthly contributions help the investor's assets grow. Funds are more liquid because they tend to be less volatile.

Are mutual funds enough? ›

Just investing in 1-2 large cap funds, whether active or passive or both, is more than enough for most investors. If you really want to diversify, you need to invest across different fund categories and not just within a category.

What is a disadvantage of mutual funds quizlet? ›

The disadvantages associated with investing in mutual funds are generally operating expenses, marketing, distribution charges, and loads. Loads are fees paid when investors purchase or sell the shares.

What is downside in mutual fund? ›

Downside risk is a general term for the risk of a loss in an investment, as opposed to the symmetrical likelihood of a loss or gain. Some investments have an infinite amount of downside risk, while others have limited downside risk.

What are the disadvantages of regular mutual fund? ›

Some of the disadvantages of mutual funds, in general, as listed below:
  • Fluctuating returns. ...
  • No Control. ...
  • Diversification. ...
  • Fund Evaluation. ...
  • Past performance. ...
  • Costs. ...
  • CAGR. ...
  • Fund managers.

What are the three main advantages of mutual funds? ›

Why invest in mutual funds?
  • Diversification. Mutual funds give you an efficient way to diversify your portfolio, without having to select individual stocks or bonds. ...
  • Low cost. ...
  • Convenience. ...
  • Professional management.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of investing? ›

Investing in stocks offers the potential for substantial returns, income through dividends and portfolio diversification. However, it also comes with risks, including market volatility, tax bills as well as the need for time and expertise.

What is the main advantage of using mutual funds quizlet? ›

What is the main advantage of a mutual fund? They give small investors access to professionally managed, diversified portfolios of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

How long should you stay invested in mutual funds? ›

For most mutual funds categories, there is no prescribed holding period, however factors such as exit load, capital gains tax, performance, liquidity and financial goals should be taken into consideration when deciding the ideal period to stay invested in a scheme.

Should I keep my money in mutual funds? ›

All investments carry some degree of risk and can lose value if the overall market declines or, in the case of individual stocks, the company folds. Still, mutual funds are generally considered safer than stocks because they are inherently diversified, which helps mitigate the risk and volatility in your portfolio.

Does your money grow in mutual funds? ›

Mutual fund returns can come from several sources: Appreciation in the fund's NAV, which happens if the fund's investments increase in price while you own the fund. Income earned from dividends on stocks or interest on bonds. Capital gains or profits incurred when the fund sells investments that have increased in price.

What is the biggest disadvantage of using mutual funds how the market works? ›

Disadvantages To Using Mutual Funds

The biggest disadvantage is that the professional management of the fund comes at a price; mutual funds generally charge a fee based on the initial capital invested.

Why are mutual funds not risky? ›

One of the key benefits of mutual funds is the diversification they offer. Instead of putting all your money into one or two stocks or bonds, mutual funds invest in a broad range of assets. This diversification can help reduce the risk of losing money if a particular sector or company performs poorly.

Why people don t invest in mutual fund? ›

As the funds are invested in market instruments, they carry certain stock market risks like volatility, fall in share prices etc., which deters us from investing in mutual funds. As we don't want to lose money, we often let it stagnate in our savings accounts.

Which is not a benefit of a mutual fund? ›

Final answer: The option that is not a benefit of investing in a mutual fund is the guarantee to out-perform the market, as no investment can offer such a guarantee.

What are the pros and cons of investing in stocks vs mutual funds? ›

To risk or not to
Mutual FundsIndividual Stocks
DiversifiedLess Diversified
Lower RiskHigher Risk
Ongoing Management FeesOne-Time Fee
Beginner FriendlyNot Beginner Friendly
2 more rows

How to make money with mutual funds? ›

How do mutual funds make you money? Mutual funds make money by investing in securities on your behalf. The fund can only do as well as the underlying securities it holds. Income and appreciation are generally the two ways you can make money in securities.


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